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Marten Arts Gallery
作者姓名:Elizabeth M.A. Grasby; Andrew Hines
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B10B005
出版日期:2010/08/19內容長度:12 頁

Recent changes to the fine art industry and the economy had impaired Marten Arts Gallery's financial performance. The owner of Marten Arts Gallery was concerned that there was no longer a future for him in the fine art industry. Although the business had regained profitability in the first half of 2009, the owner decided it was time to look at all options, ranging from adding a second store to selling the business.

Elizabeth's Country Wares
作者姓名:John S. Haywood-Farmer; Andrew Hines
出版日期:2009/10/21內容長度:9 頁

The owner and operator of Elizabeth’s Country Wares (ECW), a decorative country housewares and ceramic pottery business based in Woodstock, Ontario, was trying to find a way to increase capacity. Because ECW was her primary occupation and source of income, the owner was eager to take advantage of the growing interest in one of her product lines from some of her primary customers – member stores of a national pharmacy chain. She was unsure whether .....more